Fun Kitchen Family Photo Shoot

A good friend of mine has been talking about getting family photos for years.  It's one of those things we all think about and then we think, maybe it's better when the toddler is bigger, or the house is more organised, or I am at my ideal weight.  Time passes by, we get older, the children have grown but now there are different issues.  The house is organised but now it needs a new paint.  There will always be obstacles in our way.  We are all busy!
Then something big happens in your life and you have a reality check of sorts and all you thought that was important in life fades away and you are left with seeing things clearly.
My friend Liz has been through one of those moments and she wrote something about the photo shoot we did on the weekend -

"These pictures have been planned since the day we bought this house 2 years ago. But there is always something in the way. We are busy with this and that and never get to do those things we planned. Suddenly we face situations in life that are out of our control and take a step back to reflect on what really matters. We take time to feel the wind, stay away from distractions and focus on all the simple moments. It is there and then when you realize that the picture you always wanted should have been more important than anything and that it deserved to be prioritized. So I finally took this picture. Because I don't know what tomorrow will bring but what today brought was the most emotional and fun photo shoot I always dreamt of. With the family I always dreamt of. In the house I always dreamt of.
Thank you Jess."

Liz wanted a kitchen photo shoot because they love to make food together.  She wanted something really fun and when she said it was ok to throw food in the kitchen I ran with that! ;-) Oh and I made the chef hats from paper! What do you think?
Hold on to your family.  Always tell them you love them, and always make time for them whenever you can. 



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